
Eumigette Zoom – A super 8 film camera made by Austrian company Eumig in the 1960s.

It has a Eumig Austrogon Zoom lens with manual zoom and a detachable pistol grip.

Super 8 film was first introduced in 1965 by Kodak and quickly became popular with families recording home videos. It was affordable and much easier to use than previous video cameras – it was loved by children and adults alike.

Super 8 cartridges were easy to swap in and out, so whole family events could be recorded, from birthday parties to days out at the beach.

In 1973, super 8 film began to be made with a magnetic strip on the side which made it possible to record sound alongside images.

Super 8 was slowly edged out in the 1980s as VHS camcorders became the go-to for family films.

More information:

Date 1960s, 1970s
Material(s) Plastic
Item number MBPO51

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  • Did you ever record family events on a film camera?

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